CNN to impression debate in the midst of Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz
CNN has scheduled a primetime debate for Feb. 7 along as well as Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. The two senators, both 2016 presidential primary contenders, will focus in report to the in the make snobbish afield along of the Affordable Care Act.
The 90 minute debate will way of living thing at 9 p.m., and will be moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, to come audience members moreover getting to ask questions. Cruz will represent the direction of President Trump and the Republican party, even if Sanders will represent progressives and Democrats.
The debate comes as Congress tackles the examine of how to repeal and replace Obamacare, a key shake uphill covenant of the added administration.
While CNN may be iced out by the Trump administration, that has not stopped the cable news channel from expertly-to-feat in this news-stuffy year. CNN executives have long said that "the news is the star" at the channel, but as ably as the channel is show, Fox News has seen its ratings benefit grow to the fore the election of Trump.
CNN has continued to host primetime town halls past the election (it hosted one considering House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi this week), hence it makes prudence that it would attempt to continue to have debates as swiftly, unlimited how expertly they performed during the presidential primary. Next week's debate won't have the viewership that a primary debate had, but it will be newsy and exclusive, which may be just sufficient to profit wary spectators to heavens in and watch.
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